5 Tips to Decorate Your Home for Christmas on a Budget

It’s the most wonderful time of the year and you can feel that festive spirit all around. We love Christmas because it is a time for family, friends, and fun. It’s also a great excuse to get creative with your style.

From buying gifts for your loved ones to decorating your home, there’s always something to shop for during the month before Christmas. Online shopping remains at an all-time high, with Black Friday Sales hitting 9 Billion USD. Adobe predicts this trend will continue, and Cyber Monday will drive at least 11 Billion USD in spending.

You might be worried about dividing your limited budget between shopping for home decor articles and gifts. We got you covered with some inspiration to decorate your home sustainably and cost-effectively.

You can shop at Southern Recollection for some fun Christmas-themed gifts. You can also indulge in some retail therapy for yourself as you decorate your home in the shades of Christmas. We all know it feels great when both you and your home get the Christmas look just right.

Check out these five tips for decorating your home with Christmas as the theme.

Make Paper Mache Ornaments

They’re easy and fun to make and they’ll make everyone smile.

You can make the paper mache paste at home by mixing 5 parts flour, 1 part salt, 1 cup of water, and 1 teaspoon of baking soda (optional). Mold the paste in shapes of your choice. Wait for the paste to dry before painting it. You can make tiny baubles, and stars using this paper mache paste.

Create Your Fragrance

If you’re looking for something a little more personal and creative for gifting all your guests at your house party, creating your fragrance is a great way to go. It’s easy to make, and it provides a small but delightful surprise that will make your friends smile.

You’ll need

  • 5 drops of rose essential oil
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 3 tbsp olive oil

Combine all ingredients in an 8 fl oz bottle/jar/container with lid(s). You can do this by placing the oils on top of the other ingredients so they infuse together as they sit in storage.

Create a Festive Table Runner

This is the perfect project for you if you have some extra fabric scraps lying around, or if you are looking to upcycle some old clothes. A Christmas table runner is a great way to add some holiday cheer without going overboard. Keep these points in mind while making one.

  • Lay out a colorful tablecloth, then add some decorations, like ribbons and bows.
  • Don’t forget about your centerpiece. You can use small glass vases filled with pinecones or cranberries, or even just put out some fruit. You can also use candles in various sizes.
  • Make your own using a washable fabric in a neutral color. Any solid hue will do, but if you’re going for something more festive try using reds, greens, and golds so they match your Christmas decorations perfectly.
  • Add a contrasting border. This adds visual interest and helps tie everything together nicely.
  • Try using a red satin ribbon on top with green velvet underneath.
  • Add snowflakes cut out from white felt, or any other material that matches, with glue spots on each side of them so they stick onto both sides of the border evenly when placed down flatly onto either side where needed.

Opt for Reusable Decorations

Bringing out reusable decorations is one of the best ways to make your home more environmentally sustainable and also has the below advantages.

  • It allows you to avoid spending money on new decorations every year and will help you avoid throwing away your old stuff.
  • Reusable decorations are also good for having around to use for many different occasions throughout the year. If you’re planning on having a lot of guests coming over at different times of the year it may be beneficial for you in terms of space and budget.

Upcycle This Season

The amount of household waste increases by 25% during this season, so going green while gifting and decorating would be a good idea.  You can adopt an eco-friendly approach to your seasonal decor, to ensure you are doing your bit for the environment.

  • You can use old cardboard boxes and wrap them with old wrapping paper to create presents for decorating the leftover space below your Christmas Tree. This will give your Christmas corner a cheerful look without any additional spending.
  • Using pine cones dried painted in silver and gold paint, and colorful berries can make your home cheerful without adding to your carbon footprint.

With these tips, you can create a festive and fun home for the holidays. It may not be a great year for spending a lot on home decor given the fears of recession triggered by the 40-year high of 9% Inflation in July, so it is understandable if you want to take it easy this season.

That is why using DIY as a theme for decor this season is a wonderful approach. It will free up some budget to buy yourself and your loved ones something you want.

When it comes to decorations, remember that there are no rules in decorating your house. Just have fun with it. If this is your first Christmas as a homeowner or renter, don’t worry about getting everything perfect because no one will notice if something isn’t quite right.